The wait is over!

Once people found out I was pregnant the question was automatically about boy or girl. And of course the answer is "I will be happy either way." And I truly believe I would have been. I was excited about him having a little boy buddy so close in age to him. And then the idea of a girl...well seems girly and fun! 

The day we were scheduled to find out the gender is simply a day of anticipation. At the ultra sound appointment not only are they looking for gender they are looking for good health and development factors in the baby. When we went to this appointment with Renn gender was the 1st thing Eric noticed. At this appointment the nurse was saving it for the end. We went through all the measurements of head, arms, chest, legs and all was looking great. As she reached the point in which we would be able to tell what the gender was I can honestly say Eric and I both thought what we saw was a boy but, the nurse announced it was a "girl!".


We were and are thrilled. And then of course it hit me! my checkbook better start running now!


Who knew?

We had a good ole fashion regular doctors apt. today. Nothing too new. Heartbeat 155. Eric and I used the waiting for the doctor time simply to talk and catch up on life, who knew waiting for a doctor was good for something. It was great! I am really ready to be done having smells or news stories set me off. NEXT WEEK...we are supposed to find out boy or girl? I am ready to know.


Made Me!

Today I bought something at the grocery I have NEVER bought, but always wanted to. Nutty Bars! Those waffle wafers with peanut butter and covered in chocolate. I devoured one as I drove out of the parking lot. Can I please blame this on the baby on the way. I swear the box was talking to me in the store...SWEAR!