12 Weeks

Miss Avery Elizabeth has turned 12 weeks old. First, I can't believe it has been 12 WEEKS! Second, we saw some exciting shifts in her this week. My personal favorite is that this week she actually enjoyed being in her car seat. This was a first and made my drive to and from work much more enjoyable. She has begun reaching and grabbing - specifically grabbing at her clothes and then bringing them to her mouth to chew on. SLEEP SLEEP and more SLEEP. She slept to or past 6am several times this week. Bringing her up to a whopping 10 hours straight. She is also enjoying her awake time much more - looking in the mirror, her mobile, sitting in a bumbo chair and reading. We had a moment that brought me to tears. I was sitting in the playroom, Renn sat in my lap and Avery sat in his lap as we all read Goodnight Moon. In the midst of reading I began to cry - it was simply just too precious of a moment. We have been reading Renn Goodnight Moon daily since he was a baby to the point in which he can now recite it with us - we are hoping to instill the same love for the book with Avery. It was also Avery's first full week of preschool and she is doing much better than her mama. The teachers are loving having an itty bitty baby, she is sleeping, enjoying the new toys and people she is experiencing.
It has been a beautiful 12 weeks and we look forward to plenty more ahead.

Carey C. Bailey (May 19, 2010 at 5:15 PM)  

Daddy loves you precious Avery!

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