@ 4 months

Miss Avery Elizabeth is 4 months old. Time passes so fast when it comes to baby time. She is doing fabulous at pre-school and I have to admit that I am perfectly fine that teachers oogle and google over because she is so pretty. Her latest and greatest accomplishments are:
Moving and Grooving: She pushes off of anything and everything with her feet. She can scoot across the floor if we let her. The teachers have also seen her roll from her tummy to her back (I have yet to see this) and she works really hard at rolling from back to tummy.
Drooly Drooly: This last week she become a drool monster. I am guessing that means teeth are on their way. Renn's arrived around 6 months so I will be curious if they track together on this.
Laughter: She loves to laugh. Laugh at her brother, laugh at the worms on her play gym, play at mommy making funny faces, but the funniest thing she laughs at is her daddy. Specifically her daddy humming a Lady Gaga song (don't ask). Eric hums and she just busts out in hysterical laughs. I need to try to get it on video because I have seriously never heard a baby laugh like this. Just wishing it was a different song choice.
Playing: She is getting much more independently playful. Loves her play gym, exersaucer and enjoys reading books with her brother.
Sleeping: She continues to be an excellent sleeper. 10-12 hours at night and some days I have to wake her so we can make it to work on time.
Thumb Sucking: She is a thumb sucker. Despite my attempts to switch her thumb for a paci she spits the paci out and in goes her thumb. While I am glad my child can self soothe my fear comes for later. You can't take a thumb away like you can a paci. I realize this is not some great tragedy but just one of those minor worries that circles around in my head.
Bath time: She loves her bath time. Loves sitting in her bath tub, loves the water, hair being shampooed and giggles when I towel try her hair.

The sparkle in her eyes bring us such joy and I can't wait to continue to get to know her through the days, months and years. Thank you for blessing our lives little butterfly!

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