
It all felt very planned which was a new feeling for us when it came to the birth of a child. Renn’s arrival was shocking, early and involved a bit of chaos. The fact that this time I was packed for over 8 weeks, was able to shower, curl my hair and apply make-up the morning of our daughters birth was a bit odd. Eric and I drove TOGETHER to the hospital at 5:45 a.m. on February 16th as we were SCHEDULED for an 8:00 a.m. c-section. The hospital check-in was easy and the room we waited in felt like a hotel room with an incredibly nice bathroom. As 8:00 a.m. grew closer the doctor came in and asked if I would be okay if someone went ahead of me? The people scheduled for a 10 a.m. c-section were having some complications. Of course I wasn’t going to say “no”. Therefore I laid back, closed my eyes and took a nap. Seriously, very odd!

Around 9:30 a.m. they came in and got me and I walked to the surgery area. The surgery part of the process was definitely not pleasant but if it was going to equal the arrival of our daughter then I was up for it. Our anesthesiologist was great and worked with me as I wasn’t interested in being over medicated. Last time that did not bode well for me. While it felt to me like surgery took forever our little girl, Avery Elizabeth arrived at 10:02 a.m. She weighed 7 pounds, 12 ounces and was 18 ½ inches long. All was well. After I was put back together again and all sewn up we were taken to our real room. The texts, calls and facebook updates began. If there was a bummer part to the whole thing it was due to the fact that I went with a lower dosage of pain meds during surgery my recovery process was filled with some extra pain. They kept telling me the best thing I could do was walk. Ug, was that misery but I made myself do it! There is not one part of me that would ever recommend a c-section to anyone.

On day two and three of AEB’s life we got some news. Not fun news. The hospital pediatrician was hearing a heart murmur that concerned him. She had also lost the maximum amount of weight allowed. She was down to 7 pounds 2 ounces. The doctor wanted to run several tests on her heart some of which wouldn’t be able to be performed till 3 a.m. They also said that if she didn’t gain weight at her next weigh in she would need to remain in the hospital. At this point we became naturally scared, worried, nervous and more. There was no way I was leaving the hospital without my little girl! We are very thankful for our family and church family who began praying!!!

Then the good news came. AEB did gain an ounce, which was enough. And the news on her heart came back. One of her valves basically over closed and was regurgitating. They told us to have our own pediatrician monitor the situation and refer us to a cardiologist if the problem continues. All this news meant that we would be heading home with our little girl and be able to see our little guy who had been with family and friends for four days.

Once we were settled at home Renn was dropped off by his Graca grandparents. He greeted his baby sister with joy and we have now begun the process of becoming a family of four.

It was the best executed plan. We are so happy Avery Elizabeth is here. Going to go snuggle with her now.

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